1·And finally analyze the feasibility about the oil well drilling mud in land processing handling technology through the economy, technology, and environment.
2·Processing this data requires special handling of the generic element when it occurs in the data instance.
3·In addition to the UI components, JSF also provides infrastructure support for state handling, validation, and event processing for these components.
4·Processing of data as batch or real-time, including handling large volumes of large data sets.
5·In the sections that follow, I'll walk you through every phase of the JSF request processing lifecycle, including event handling and validation.
6·The platform calls the message handling function of this message processing object whenever any event occurs that your program might possibly want to be notified about.
7·Level 2 provides a further level of decomposition into specific processing areas, such as order handling or loyalty retention.
8·This allows you to generically define the processing of all operations passed to a given interface, exactly the capability you need for your common request handling.
9·This handler is responsible for processing the timeout situation and handling it with the correct subsequent TCAP messaging and, if necessary, terminating the call.
10·Now that I've worked through the easy parts of the processing, the only part remaining is the actual type substitution handling.